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O'Connor Art Gallery Exhibitions

Dominican University | River Forest, IL

2014    Not For Sale: Jenna Caravello, Susan Giles, and Ryan Mandell                  [January]

2013    Super in the Natural:  Sarah Belknap, Joseph Belknap, and                      Christine Gray [November]

2013    Mindful Media: Jeremy Bolen, Sun Choi, and Sarah                                  Holden [September]

2013    Senior BFA Thesis Exhibition:  Graduating Senior show

2013    Urban Insights: Jesse Howard and Jason Reblando [January]

2012    Headshots: Lauren Gregory and Susana Coffe [November]

2012    Art Faculty Exhibition: Noelle Allen, Jean Bevier, Javier                            Carmona, Bill Kerr, Jeffrey Cote De Luna, Frank                                      Spidale [September]

2012    Gray Matter, Senior BFA Senior Thesis Exhibition

2012    ANNUAL Student Art Exhibition:  Guest juried art exhibition open              to all Dominican University students [March]

2012    First Love:  Edmund Chia, Michelle Grabner, Diego Leclery,                      Leeza Meksin and Liz Neilsen [January]

2011    Cosmic Commentaries:  Michiko Itatani and Cullen Washington              Jr. [November]

2011    Fictional Landscapes:  Amy Honchell and Young Cho                               [September]

Angela Bryant is the Director of O'Connor Art Gallery, where her mission is to present the Dominican University academic community with timely, relevant, and focused contemporary art exhibitions that foster critical and thoughtful dialogue across disciplines. Exhibitions are curated with the student body in mind, as they are mean to introduce students to new and innovative artistic concepts, practices, and strategies. Located in Lewis Hall, steps from many of the art department's studios and classrooms, the gallery is particularly accessable to art students as a space for intimate engagement and reflection.  

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